Hodgkins Lymphoma
Really, I like to keep my world small. Incredibly, I am very blessed with more than a small number of people who care. People who want to know what's happening in mine and my families lives. I have honestly struggled with letting anyone know at all that I have cancer. I'd like to just slide through treatment and get back to life as usual. Cancer lesson whatever number I'm on, it's in charge to a certain degree now and it demands to be seen. How wonderful to enjoy a life with people in it who are fulfilled by loving others. The reality is, I'm going to be needing that encouragement. The goal is, to surprise everyone with Jesus' peace overflowing. I choose to be in love with Jesus, so I don't get to just keep in my small world and slide by, rather there has to be an eternal, global type element that flows freely at times. There is a tendency in people to want to get in the car and come visit when they learn about my diagnosis. We love company! The problem that arises is too many visitors. I am hosting cancer right now and it is rather demanding both physically and financially. So just call and ask David. He yearns to say yes to company but will say no if he thinks cancer is filling enough space to squeeze out visitors.
I know I have not shared the beginning of my story. I will, in the days to come, share the long journey of figuring out what in the world was causing so many unhappy symptoms in my body. I'm still digesting it myself and wrapping my mind and heart around sharing the story with others. Word travels quickly and I have been sufficiently counseled on not keeping this so private. I understand that others want to pray and that I and my family will benefit tremendously from shared prayer and encouragement. More than anything however, I feel really peaceful and I'm hopeful that that incredible, eternal, reality of Jesus presence in my life will wrap itself around others so much more than the drama of some mutated cells in this borrowed flesh. It's really not a big deal, even when it feels like it is. He Is a big deal even when it feels like He's not. Romans 8:18 ...the sufferings of this time are not worth being compared with the glory that is about to be revealed...
Thank you for visiting the blog, visiting me here. Thank you for leaving comments for me to read. Much love to all my dear family and friends.
Love you Mom
I love you too sweetheart. Thank you for helping me figure this out. Hope I did not disrupt your day too much.
I hadn't read this when I posted my Facebook comment but I still have same to say. Praying for you and family. Your love of God will get you through this. :-)
You rock Beth Life! Life is not fair, but He Is Faithful, and Grace comes when it is necessary. How's the family? We need more cow milk for butter when you get a chance...We still have ur shaving kit.....
I've been so blessed to have you guys as a second family to me these last 4 years and many many more to come. I am so confident in God's healing and I will be here to help in whatever way I can be the most beneficial. Love you so much!
Beth, It must be one of those things that turns your world upside down! But despite some of the horror stories, there are many people who recover from this very nicely. Remember Cara who lived across the hall from us in our apartment in downtown Wilmore (upstairs from you)? She had hodgkins lymphoma before she ever got to seminary and is still doing great! It will be a road to recovery but we are praying the same for you! Praying that God's peace keeps you.
Beth you are an amazing and strong person. Your courage is quite impressive and I know it was tough for you to share but thank you so that we can all be here with our support and encouragement even if that's all there is to offer. Big hugs for you and your family and know that there are more people than you realize that are here for you for anything you need. Much love to you!
Love-lots of love
We are here, sends lots of LOVE!
Just wanted you to know I have been praying for you and your family ever since Lynna filled me in. So glad I returned your prayer shawl when I did. If there is anything you want me to do never hesitate to get the word to me. Love you very much!
Glad you are journaling. Share with the world the parts you want - and share the rest with God.
A very old friend
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